Once upon a time in a galaxy far, far away..................

C J Evans started his music career at the age of ten when his father decided to take up guitar after retiring early. After a few years of hammering hell out of possibly the worst acoustic guitar to grace this planet he decided to get some direction by employing a guitar/music tutor. This tutor had some of the most dire music tastes known to man but he was a great teacher (cheers Dave) and without him Evans's music journey would have been a short one.
The Journey............

After many years of playing low key pub gigs and beach parties in the South Wales area Evans decided to apply for music college to enhance his skills. After a two year stint in Leeds College of music he returned to wales and continued writing material.

Before long Evans realized that pottering about on a 100 pound analog 4-track was not going to get him anywhere so he applied for S.A.E. Audio Engineering college in the hunt for a diploma. Within 3 months of applying he arrived in Amsterdam to embark on a two and a half year course that would see him qualify as an audio engineer and gain the skills necessary to finish his music.

A lot of s**t happened between then and now but none of that soap opera is important. C J Evans resides in South Wales and continues to front the band 'Rufus Quadrangle' along with many other solo/side projects. All music is now recorded at Shankly Studios, Ferryside, South Wales

C J Evans- Bio